Sunday, September 03, 2006

Welcome to the Mind of Steve

Well - here I am in all my glory. My mind, my thoughts my thinking processes about to be revealed to the paying public.

This blog will attempt to capture my thoughts, insights, conclusions, understandings, misunderstandings, motivations,reasoning, actions etc etc for the purposes of documenting my learning process in action.

It will be a comment upon the things I have been studying as part of my MA in Independent Study and is for my own personal reflections. It perhaps may be of use to my mentor and other colleagues involved and interested in my independent study.

I am working on the assumption that this will be a boring blog and I am not writing it with the purpose that I expect it to be read and enjoyed by a mass audience.

My other blog Learnerdoodledastic is where I intend to publish more considered articles that will be written with a wider audience in mind and I hope would engender more interest than this journal logging my learning activities.

I hope by writing the journal I will come to appreciate the value of a learning journal and hopefully learn more about learning.

Thank You


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